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Friday, Oct. 31, 2003 - To come home or not.
Thursday, Oct. 30, 2003 - Sorry Marc Antony, Cleopatra's on her pyramid...
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2003 - Yep, going to do it!
Monday, Oct. 27, 2003 - Where is he?
Sunday, Oct. 26, 2003 - Love me.
Friday, Oct. 24, 2003 - In no Specific Order, Steps for a Better Jenn:
Friday, Oct. 24, 2003 - In no Specific Order, Steps for a Better Jenn:
Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2003 - Hopeless and i want to die.
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2003 - yep
Monday, Oct. 20, 2003 - Breast cancer and money worries. Can my life be any more fucked up for a 17 year old?
Monday, Oct. 20, 2003 - -
Sunday, Oct. 19, 2003 - Yeh.
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003 - Matters to me.
Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 - Why do i do this over and over again?
Sunday, Oct. 12, 2003 - Ryan
Sunday, Oct. 12, 2003 - Innocense is lost
Saturday, Oct. 11, 2003 - Void
Saturday, Oct. 11, 2003 - ttfn!!
Thursday, Oct. 09, 2003 - Advertisment
Wednesday, Oct. 08, 2003 - *Screams*
Tuesday, Oct. 07, 2003 - Ryan,
Saturday, Oct. 04, 2003 - We'll see
Saturday, Oct. 04, 2003 - Hi, My name is Jennifer. I'm a grade A bitch that does Yoga twice a week, has her own truck, and is easy. How may i help you?
Saturday, Oct. 04, 2003 - Let me out.
Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 - Turn on the bulb please.
2003-03-31 - Title
2003-03-30 - Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.
2003-03-30 - I rode my bicycle past your window last night
2003-03-28 - Joke: Q: WHat is the last thing Tickle me Elmo's get before the leave the factory?? A: TESTTICKLES!(have to say it fast!)
2003-03-26 - Meghan
2003-03-25 - Laying on the grass, i saw a cat.
2003-03-25 - Helpless
2003-03-24 - So tired.
2003-03-24 - Yep
2003-03-22 - wish i had a guy here
2003-03-22 - Good Friday
2003-03-21 - Whats the Point?
2003-03-19 - Newfoundland is somewhat of a geographical handicap for me. Goal: Get the FUCK out.
2003-03-18 - Little blue pills, a surgery and 101 entries
2003-03-17 - Stupid Boys.
2003-03-16 - she's on her knees in a doorway, a veiled theophany is waiting in the home. she lets her hair hang down, forgiven silver droplets spill upon the floor.
2003-03-15 - Janice and her teeth. Shes a super-duper Friend!
2003-03-14 - I wish you would pack your bags, and take the long road, and walk it.
2003-03-13 - Ohh...
2003-03-12 - MUN
2003-03-12 - Swimming, swimming over the sea of dispair.
2003-03-11 - Child-like decisions
2003-03-10 - Hating for the Love of it
2003-03-09 - Great First date with Janice
2003-03-09 - Golden God and Red Headed Beauty
2003-03-08 - Memory of that boy
2003-03-07 - Searching for something that is gone away
2003-03-07 - Dubbleyah stands for Wah
2003-03-06 - Jenn cooked!
2003-03-05 - And I spent all my wishes wishing times were good
2003-03-04 - LOve/Hate relationship
2003-03-03 - And i said BABY, ITS THREE AM I MUST BE LONLEY!
2003-03-02 - Alpha-Omega, Love. Together forever
2003-03-01 - Pebbles
2003-02-28 - Weirdo...
2003-02-27 - -
2003-02-27 - Hope for a future, with children, dogs, husbands and flowers.
2003-02-26 - Soon...promise
2003-02-24 - I'm moving on... and not looking back. I've got the back seat filled, so i dont have to look out the rear-veiw mirror.
2003-02-23 - More Pain than you will ever know
2003-02-22 - To Morgan. (a letter she will never see)
2003-02-21 - I need an angel to save me
2003-02-21 - Semi
2003-02-20 - SEMI TONITE!
2003-02-19 - Living
2003-02-19 - Uterus will not deceive me
2003-02-18 - yuck
2003-02-18 - Vices
2003-02-17 - Trip back in Time...
2003-02-16 - Woo
2003-02-15 - New Friends
2003-02-14 - Actully me
2003-02-13 - Dying
2003-02-12 - Me
2003-02-12 - New Rule for the BOY
2003-02-11 - Oops, i did it again
2003-02-10 - Rememberance, to days gone by
2003-02-10 - Good weekend-drug stupor
2003-02-09 - Hello You- This is your Song
2003-02-08 - Love--real love
2003-02-07 - I Love Andrew!
2003-02-07 - Fucking Monkeys
2003-02-05 - Random Stuff
2003-02-05 - SHAMPOO
2003-02-04 - Pirendello sumed it all up.
2003-02-02 - Remembering makes me sad
2003-02-01 - Burning

Dec 2002
Jan 2003
Feb/March 2003
April/May 2003
June 2003

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